My original plan was to make a simple Top Ten list (expanding on one I sent in to GameFAQS a while ago) and post all of these in one go. But I realized that even while I was trying to keep each entry relatively short, it still would have been quite a bit of reading.
So I figure I'll get some more updates out of the idea by posting them as a 10-part ongoing thing.
So. Without further not getting to the point...Leko presents...
The idea of this may seem a little redundant. After all, isn't a sequel supposed to be better than its predecessor? Well, yes. But very few actually are, and some turn out to be even worse.
The intent of this list is to highlight 10 examples of sequels that I feel completely outshine the game that came before. Sequels that are so much more than a simple number tacked on to the original title.
#10: Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku II (GBA)
Yes, yes, I know. It's a game based on a pre-existing franchise, so of course the original sucked ass!
But MAN did Legacy of Goku suck ass!
Imagine the first Legend of Zelda with Goku in place of Link. Now imagine it slower and clunkier. Imagine the enemies aren't knocked back when you hit them, but rather they stay within attack range and continue hitting you for much higher damage at the same time. Imagine you can't tell important items apart from the background, and that the very few sound effects the game has are ear-bleedingly terrible.
Congratulations. You've imagined Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku.
It's a basic adventure game that actually does a fairly decent job of condensing an entire 1/3 of the Dragon Ball Z story (From Raditz to Frieza) into a few hours of gameplay, but that doesn't mean a damn thing when that gameplay is absolute crap.
You've got your standard leveling system where you get stronger by beating up enemies, but there's really no way of telling of how strong you actually are. You level up several times before it simply says "YOUR STRENGTH INCREASED," and the only way to measure how high your strength is is to count how many times you need to punch each enemy. The enemies themselves have no health meters, nor any indication that you've actually done any damage at all to them until they drop dead.
And when I say "no indication," I mean NO. INDICATION. They don't flinch when you hit them. They don't make any sound. And most annoyingly, they DON'T FUCKING MOVE. This leads to numerous situations where you're literally standing on an enemy's toes, hitting him while he hits you. You will lose ridiculous amounts of health fighting the most common enemies.
Yes. But they suck. What a shock, right? You can run from an enemy until they stop chasing you (usually about half a screen's worth of distance) and hit them with an energy blast. Unfortunately, doing this is like trying to knock over a Jenga tower with spit wads. It'll come down eventually, sure. But it takes FOREVER. The famous Kamehameha wave has embarrassingly short range and isn't even worth charging because if you're in range to hit your target, your target is in range to hit you. And he will. There's also the much more useful Solar Flare, which temporarily stuns enemies based on how long you charge it.
You can restore your own health by using herbs and Senzu beans, both of which blend annoyingly well into the background unless you know what you're looking for. The herbs could easily be mistaken for bushes, and the beans are about 3 pixels big.
I would go so far as to say that its only redeeming quality is that the chibi character sprites look awesome, and even those get massively improved in Legacy of Goku 2!
Speaking of which, Legacy of Goku 2 is EVERYTHING the first game should have been.
It continues the story from where the first one left off to the end of the Cell arc, but it seems like it goes a little more in depth than the previous game. It gets more from the story without resorting to an obnoxious number of unnecessary side-quests. It still has them, but they're not so obviously being used for padding.
The art is improved, the sprite animations are smoother, the combat is improved, the save system is improved, the leveling system is improved, everything about it is just better. But if I talked about EVERYTHING that was better, you'd be reading a short novel here. So I'll get to the most important points.
Enemies actually react when hit, and a number appears above them showing how much damage you've done. This means that not only can you better understand how strong you are, but you can actually keep beating on an enemy while approaching him if you carefully time your punches.
As you level up, your stats increase. Rather than just YOUR STRENGTH INCREASED, you have 3 stats: strength (how much damage melee attacks do), power (how much damage energy attacks do) and endurance (how much damage enemy attacks do to you.)
Also, THERE'S MORE THAN ONE PLAYABLE CHARACTER. Which makes the game's title a bit inaccurate, but still! Not only that, but EACH character has their own special energy and melee attacks. Piccolo's Special Beam can go through multiple enemies, Gohan's Masenko acts somewhat like a grenade, Trunks's Burning Attack stuns enemies like the Solar Flare, etc. Saiyan characters can also go into Super Saiyan mode, which increases their stats and speed until their energy meter runs out.
If you're already familiar with the Dragon Ball Z storyline, I suggest skipping Legacy of Goku and going straight to Legacy of Goku 2. If not, I suggest looking up a summary online and THEN skipping to Legacy of Goku 2.
(There is also a 3rd game in this series called Buu's Fury, which further improves the gameplay, but it's not as big a jump in quality as between the first two.)